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Développement partagé et bien être du peuple pour fondement : le développement sur 10 ans en Chine avec la perspective du bien-être du peuple (Collection de l'économie) (version anglaise)

  • Auteur:
    Fayuan Lin
  • Date de publication:
  • ISBN:
  • Langue:
  • Catalogue:
    Business & Management / Social sciences
  • Prix du livre: $159.32
  • Prix du livre numérique: $11.29
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pages: 200     version: 1


This book analyzes and expounds the basic contents of people’s livelihood and its position in the Scientific Outlook on Development, describes in a systematic way the effors made by the Communist Party of China and Chinese Government during these ten years in sharing the fruits of development, employment, education, medical service, old-age care and housing as well as in the aspects of ecological development and improving the equality of life, and summarizes the achievements scored in China in gruaranteeing and improving people’s livelihood, to demonstrate how China, on the way of scientific development, realizes “development while sharing the fruits.”

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