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L’économie du Tibet (collection de la situation générale du Tibet)(version française)

  • Auteur:
    Wenchang WANG; Can LA
  • Date de publication:
  • ISBN:
  • Langue:
  • Catalogue:
    Business & Management
  • Prix du livre: $7.9
  • Prix du livre: $42.94

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information de livre en détail

pages:      version: 1


As one of the Tibet Basics Series, Tibetan Economy includes sections such as a leisure life, a brief look on the economic life, a trade of unique features, a search for development impetus, a splendid melody of modern economic development, a symphony of regional development, a green dream, etc. Due to its high altitude, the Plateau has rather thin air, with oxygen less than nearly one third of that of the plain, which has a special influence on the economy and lifestyle of the Tibetan residents. When I arrived at Tibet for the first time, after getting down the plane, I was so amazed by its fantastic and fabulous scenery that I ran around in excitement and soon I was out of breath. Only then did I know it is the environment that cultivates Tibetan grand mother the leisured way of walking and behaving.

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