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La calligraphie chinoise (collection "Chine culturelle") (version anglaise)

  • Auteur:
    Tingyou CHEN
  • Date de publication:
  • ISBN:
  • Langue:
  • Catalogue:
    History / Culture / Art
  • Prix du livre: $18.07
  • Prix du livre numérique: $11.29
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information de livre en détail

pages: 128     version: 1


Calligraphy is the quintessence of Chinese culture. When the ancient Orientals carved the earliest abstract symbols on the walls of their cave houses, and on animal bones and tortoise shells, their symbolic action marked the beginning of the Chinese written language and civilization. At the same time, it indicated the beginning of the splendor of Chinese calligraphy. This book introduces the origin, forms and development of Chinese calligraphy, and the various kinds of calligraphic styles and principles in a straightforward way. The author has devoted himself to research into the aesthetics of calligraphy for many years, and has developed his own theories on the changes and development of Chinese calligraphy. In this book, he focuses on introducing representative calligraphers in different historical periods and maintains that the reforms these famous calligraphers proposed and carried out contributed greatly to the continuous development of Chinese calligraphy.

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