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Nuwa crée l'homme (Collection du livre d'images sur la mythologie ancienne) (bilingue chinois-anglais)

  • Auteur:
    Lixin Duan; Hong Shen
  • Date de publication:
  • ISBN:
  • Langue:
  • Catalogue:
    Children and youth
  • Prix du livre: $10.16
  • Prix du livre numérique: $2.81
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information de livre en détail

pages: 36     version: 1


The goddess, Nüwa descended on earth. Because of loneliness, she created a little clay figure with her delicate hands. She continued to mix water and clay to create, one, two, then three, then many, many more walking, talking humans. Nüwa was very happy, she got an idea to separate these people into men and women. Men and women could now have babies and continue the human race. This series is four color printing. The beautiful pictures and simple words make this series prefect for Chinese and overseas children's reading.

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