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Tour en Chine : arts (collection "Tour en Chine") (version chinoise)

  • Auteur:
    Yong JIN
  • Date de publication:
  • ISBN:
  • Langue:
  • Catalogue:
    Travel / Art
  • Prix du livre: $6.77
  • Prix du livre: $38.42

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information de livre en détail

pages: 152     version: 1


With a lasting civilization of several thousand years, China offers the world a rich culture, which constitutes an important part of human civilization and wisdom. Chinese cul ture is both unique and inclusive, and consists of what is grown in this Oriental land as well as diverse elements from other cultures. Chinese arts are the gems of Chinese culture. They carry the heritage of traditional Chinese culture, embody the personalities of artists and cultivate the national character. Chinese artists strive for an integration of beauty and goodness, communication between passion and reason and harmony between human and nature. For several thousand years,Chinese people have enjoyed their lives and creations through their artistic pursuits.

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